Day: January 7, 2009

Take A Personal Inventory

DAY THREE: Daniel’s reason for abstaining from certain foods was to keep from defiling himself. See Daniel 1:8. When we fast, it isn’t just going without food, but also seeking God on deeper levels, crucifying the flesh and becoming spiritually sensitive to His voice and direction. Fasting truly is one of the best methods I know of to strip the flesh of its control and power. Because of this, sometimes during our fast there may be instances where the flesh will raise its ugly head and throw a tantrum. This is God’s way of surfacing something that needs to be dealt with. It’s amazing how much comfort and security food provides. You don’t completely understand this until you are denied its comfort. Without it, we are left to feel the strength and craving of our fleshly needs.

Take time during this fast to do an inventory of your life. Are there engrained habits that need to be transformed; like anger, jealousy, pride, laziness, unforgiveness, lust, strife, grumbling and complaining, fear and doubt, selfishness or rebellion? These things left unchecked, take root in our life and affect our relationship with God as well as people.

Do we need to re-prioritize our lives? What takes our time away from God and family? Are we watching too much TV? How much time is spent on the internet? Are we filling our minds with things that edify? Remember, when we fast, it eliminates hindrances to being completely consumed by the Holy Spirit. We are fasting food in order to feast on the Spirit.

One of my goals in fasting is to become more “God-conscious” throughout my day. I want my life to be so consumed by the Lord that my heart beats to the rhythm of His. And consequently, every where I go, His life that I carry within me, would spill over to those I come in contact with. I want to be possessed by Him in such a way that I release His Kingdom that is inside of me! Those goals come with a price. You see, salvation is a gift; the Holy Spirit is free; the manifested presence of God in our lives costs us something—the sacrifice of “self”. Tonight I plan on leaving the TV off and using that time to pray and dance in the arms of Jesus!

Here’s a snack that I am getting ready to try:

Veggie Chips

1 medium red potato                              2 T olive oil

1 medium sweet potato                         1 tsp salt

1 medium beet                                          1 tsp garlic powder

1 carrot or parsnip                                  1 tsp oregano

Slice veggies very thin with a potato peeler and place in a bowl. Toss with olive oil to coat and lay in a single layer on cookie sheets. Sprinkle with the seasonings and bake @ 325 degrees for 25 minutes or until lightly brown.
